Indian Solar Association Conference called “Savera Conclave” held at Hotel The Ashok, Delhi
Solar association continuesly conducting events and association members are tirelessly worked to shape up the Solar association. Special...

Imported solar power equipment will not attract customs duty
Much to the relief of solar developers, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBITC), has clarified that the bulk of imported...

UN Report Shows Solar Power Investment Surging
April 9th, 2018 by Steve Hanley in Clean technica We say it all the time here at CleanTechnica: discussions about global warming and...

SOLAR ENERGYWorld's largest solar park to come up in Gujarat
Posted in The week https://www.theweek.in/news/biz-tech/2018/04/10/worlds-largest-solar-park-to-come-up-in-gujarat.html Gujarat Chief...